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078 | Life-Saving AI Technology with Eyal Golan

078 | Life-Saving AI Technology with Eyal Golan
Published on
September 14, 2020
078 | Life-Saving AI Technology with Eyal Golan
A comprehensive discovery platform for banks and leading financial brands looking to expand consumer awareness.
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Eyal Golan
Company Name

CORAL Drowning Detection Systems



Eyal Golan is the CEO and co-founder of CORAL Drowning Detection Systems – a tool designed to detect and prevent drownings in privately owned pools. The CORAL Manta system watches pools 24/7, even when they are in-use, to monitor for irregular swimming patterns and prevent drownings before they happen. Eyal sits down with Chris Snyder to discuss the importance of water safety and how CORAL is saving lives through AI.


  • Eyal shares insight into his childhood growing up in Israel
  • How Eyal's own children inspired him to create the life-saving technology behind CORAL
  • How ease of use, accuracy, and affordability were top priorities when designing CORAL
  • How CORAL created a demand before there was even a product available
  • How CORAL utilized grants to create a better prototype before securing investors
  • How CORAL works to detect drowning based on motion and video AI technology
  • Drowning is the leading cause of death among children ages 1-4  - more than car accidents or any other unintended causes
  • How CORAL goes behind traditional pool motion detection to identifying drowning as early as possible to save lives
  • The importance of being passionate about what you do when you are an entrepreneur in order to stay motivated to keep going

Eyal Golan

CEO & Co-Founder

Eyal Golan is the CEO and co-founder of CORAL Drowning Detection Systems – a tool designed to detect and prevent drownings in privately owned pools. The CORAL Manta system watches pools 24/7, even when they are in-use, to monitor for irregular swimming patterns and prevent drownings.

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Eyal Golan

CEO & Co-Founder

Eyal Golan is the CEO and co-founder of CORAL Drowning Detection Systems – a tool designed to detect and prevent drownings in privately owned pools. The CORAL Manta system watches pools 24/7, even when they are in-use, to monitor for irregular swimming patterns and prevent drownings.

Episode Transcript

[00:00:44] Hello, everyone, Chris Snyder here, host of the Snyder Showdown, President at Juhll Agency, and founder of financial services platform On this show, we take a no B.S. approach to business success and failure, told through the stories of the top entrepreneurs and executives who have lived them. Join us today as we get the unfiltered backstories behind successful brands. OK. Without further ado, Eyal Golan is the CEO and co-founder of Coral Drowning Detection Systems.

[00:01:17] It's a tool designed to detect and prevent drownings in privately owned pools. The coral manta system watches pools 24/7, even when they're in use to monitor for irregular swimming patterns and prevent drownings before they even happen. Hey, Al is here today to talk to us about the importance of water safety and how coral is saving lives. Welcome, Eyal.

[00:01:43] Thanks for having me.

[00:01:44] Excellent, excellent. Thanks for being here. I know you're calling from Israel today, so it's a little later, but I appreciate you taking this time because I know water safety is superimportant and, you know, helping children in general is super important.

[00:02:00] So before we get into the actual technology and the product, how can you tell us a little bit about your upbringing, where you grew up and how you got to where you are today?

[00:02:10] Sure. I'll start with the beginning, I was born and raised and in Israel. I'll jump right ahead to do a chair, a scene where every Israeli trusted for military service are there in the Israeli navy for six years as a software officer. I was training in the IDF. I'm trying to find the right term. IDF, a computer science academy, and then served as a software engineer, as a software officer in the Navy. And from there, I read it. I had my B.A. in math and computer science and worked for many years in software development, managing software team and worked for on systems or battleships and as a fighter jets and things like that. I will not get into too many details. And then at some point I made a move to do us work and move to Los Angeles with my family work there and company in the financial industry brokerage company and develop software. Then and made the switch to more to the business side they make. I had my MBA in California and worked with financial institutions. And toward the end of my time, or like in L.A., before moving back to Israel and I established a company, an agency that provides a behavioral intervention services to children with autism. And it's a company that is and certified provide them for for the different agencies in the State of California, Department of Education and the original sentence. And we we treat children with autism. Then we have a staff that works there. We and I, we moved back to to Israel. The company is still working and providing services to children and teens today.

[00:04:34] Does that is bettering your children's life and their family?

[00:04:38] Yeah. Excellent. Is that is that agency? Is it. I mean, I know your background is in software. Did you create a piece of software for for that business as Baule or is that more of a traditional school or place of care for kids and.

[00:04:57] Well, it really does not really have anything to do with the technology, but more of my business approach in general. This is I was not involved at all in the clinical side, but they did create a system to to help all their therapists and supervisors to to work efficiently, remotivate reporting and scheduling and all of that to make the work normally the work. Again, this is also the topic of choro. But and the work in. And the a.D.A area is is the essence of it is providing and we have intervention services to the children in their natural environment. So the therapists and supervisors are going to put the child in the home or school and work with them on target behaviors in their natural environment.

[00:05:58] Wow. So that's I mean, given Kofod and you know, where we're at today, that is a pretty honestly, that sounds like a pretty novel idea. So congratulations to you. And also thank you for doing all this stuff for kids because that actually, you know, leads us into coral. So to recap, you've done a lot of software engineering and you spent some time in the military in Israel. You've worked at brokerage firms on the finance side. How did you come up with this idea that now you're going to move into. I mean, I'm sure Coral has a hardware and software component, but where did the idea where did the idea come from? What's the vision of this thing? And how did this germinate?

[00:06:46] First, so that I moved back to Israel, I work I completed another degree and a law degree and then a work many years in in an homeland security industry and both working in this industry and being a software engineer. I was aware of the emerging technology of this was. Is today's smart cities like surveillance cameras, that they have the ability to track, detect objects and track them? And then I also have swimming when swimming pool in the backyard pool myself and being a concern and then a concerned parents. I was looking for an efficient solution for my own backyard pool. And initially I used what was there in the market, which the most advanced system was what's called the pool alarm, which basically the mechanism devices were based on SLOAT mechanism and a MERRILEE Alert. You wonder what it is moving, but they realize it's not too effective. And I thought, why should we shouldn't we use it?

[00:07:56] The same technology that's existing in the homeland security in most cities in self-driving cars and use the same technology for drowning detection. Namely, I was I was certain that such a device existed back then, but nothing was there then.

[00:08:18] Then I call them my good colleague of mine. The friend with specialized in computer vision and speech become a specialist in computer vision. And this is when we started their journey. So in a nutshell, he started from from a personal need and and knowing the technology.

[00:08:41] So, yeah, well, this seems super complicated.

[00:08:45] And you had to get to know enough and have seen enough and obviously know someone else to that had maybe a couple pieces of this puzzle. But then you have to build this thing. I can't even imagine. How do you do. How do you do this. So you've got a swimming pool is square or it's round. You've got something that you probably put in the pool.

[00:09:09] It's a device, right. That probably has some eyeballs underneath the water. Right. Right. Oh, yes. How do you even think about putting this together and how long does it take for you to even build a prototype? You build that yourself or you have friends build that. How does do you draw a schematic first in on a word document? Like, how do you start this process? Because this is amazing.

[00:09:34] That's a tough question. How do I start? Is is I think when over 30 years of of experiencing in the software development and as a manager and the leading teams and projects, you kind of get into into like Eyre and. Way off working and thinking of of how to solve the problem in and very shortly, I guess you start by defining what are the requirements? What is it that you want to achieve? But they think what to make and what's made for kurutz very unique is that.

[00:10:15] In many solutions, they involved in software engineering and hardware. How will end software solution? Many times it comes from the developer, but they don't see their side of the coin till and there are many joltin in the software development world. How you develop something that you like. But the customer needs something completely different. Here I was lucky enough to be also a potential customer.

[00:10:44] Yes. So on the one hand, I was able to. Define what is needed from the solution, what is from from such a solution. But on the other hand, what is the consumer? I would like to have how I would like to see how simple it will be.

[00:11:04] And again, the world like remeasure it was where more complicated than that. But we had three major requirements.

[00:11:16] First, it had to be affordable because it's not a thousand for military. It's not the militants the most. And it's not for governmental use. It's something that every household should be able to afford. Secondly, it had to be very, very simple to use. This is why and we decided to go with the plug and play solution, something that you don't have to deal with any commission to come. I mean, Saulius and Karani calibration and any infrastructural changes to fluorite to head in either in a cornette Internet connection or a power supply. This is why using solar funds as you just you just just plug and play. Obviously, the bottom line was that or the third requirement was that they had to be very, very accurate in terms of the detection rates because there's no one there. It's been since the working system, unlike a system for a commercial pool where you have a lifeguard. This is something that has to work completely by its own.

[00:12:17] So and this is I mean, when we started, you asked if I had some some sketches or things like that.

[00:12:25] It's funny because before we even started it, I told my partners we're not going to start spending years of our lives just to find out that there is no market to correct. So we push, push. We put together a Web site.

[00:12:42] And he's hired a company to have like a promotion on a clip that shows how which works, how the system. And again, this was all there was nothing there. Back then, it was just our imagination. And if you look at it, we have those on the videos and you already see that the concept, how it looks with a stone up on them and the tube that goes inside the walls of the camera. That's obviously the end result was a little different. But conceptually, the exactly the same sort of fundamental thought took that to the mountain. The problem of the pool with a tube that goes inside the water and the camera. And this is how the solution works.

[00:13:25] Well, you know what I think is interesting about that? When did you start this process? Because what you're describing right now, and we have a lot of founders, entrepreneurs and business executives on the show that talk about growth, marketing and some of that other stuff and product market fit things of that nature.

[00:13:44] You did exactly what you're supposed to do, which is before you spent years and years developing a product that nobody wanted. You actually developed the vision and then put a Web site out there basically selling something.

[00:13:59] Lemmon's the demand first.

[00:14:01] Yeah. You hit the demand side, which is exactly the right thing to do. And so what did you do? Did you have people subscribe to say, hey, send us your email address if you're interested? Did you give them a survey? Did you. Did you do price price modeling hot? Like, how did that work? How did you understand that there was a demand side to this business?

[00:14:25] Well, I felt a little uncomfortable that we've done this, but it was a business, a necessity. If unless you want to two poor years and waste the amount of money in waste years of your time, something that you have to do.

[00:14:42] But it was like a mockup there, a website that had this explained a bit about the product and then it had an orbital page back then. We didn't have a clue about the price. I mean, we had the target price was not. And we didn't have any any payments mechanism meant expanding them or anything like that. So it was just like an old page where you had to enter a indicating that you want to order the the device, the the system. You enter your your basic information name, email address and such and then click next thinking that you are going to put in your payment method or something like that. But then all we said is the product is not ready yet. Thank you. We will get back to you once it's ready. But this is this was a way for us to know how many people actually want to buy the device it some right away.

[00:15:42] That's the right way to do it like that.

[00:15:44] Don't get me wrong, it is still very hard to market it today. But. But did. An indication that there is a demand. And people will be are looking for such a solution. This is really is something completely new that never existed before and the people are willing to pay for it.

[00:16:04] Yeah. No, I think that's really smart. And so how long did it take you from the time you actually had this idea?

[00:16:11] You stood up the Web site and developed this product. How many years did it take you to get into market and sell your first product?

[00:16:23] So we started. And I'm not on a very small scale. I guess both of us, myself and my bathroom, my page department seem to have held our day jobs. So we started as like moonlighting. And and this was six years ago for the first three years. We developed it after like a year and a half or something like that. We've got to run from from the Israeli government in Israel known as the startup nation. There are many grants and programs that they government and different governmental agencies support startup. When you apply, you have to meet some criteria. But then you get financial help. So we get some something written, very small, like a I think if they run like fifty thousand U.S. dollars. But the thing is that it's a lousy system if allowed us to create a more viable prototype to start using contractors to develop more software and hardware and mechanical parts of the system as a prototype. And by doing that, I mean, after we put together, we had like a core team by then more engineers that were not scalable because you could not say. Basically, what they did run, but you can you can use them as contracts. So this was this is today are record time on people today. I mean, these people that we our demons contract. And then we started looking for investing and three years ago. Three and a half years ago, we got our first round of investment from two engine. Here in Israel, one in their family is fine and the other one is that is the major, I think. And a business owner in the area of security and home security. And and from the moment we've got that investment, it took us. And this is when we really started to develop. Until then, it was more of a prototype and not one shuttle development. But then with surrogates and whether target day to reach an action product. And then within a year and a half, we we actually had the product, as you see today, with all the software and hardware and the plastic and mechanics, which also takes a lot of effort and a lot of time. But within a year and a half, we started the marketing look marketing, but selling our base, our version.

[00:19:08] That was at the end of 2010. And then our real first market or commercial sale started last summer when in 18.

[00:19:24] So this is this is a six or seven year journey, right? Yes.

[00:19:29] And so probably part of the reason you were doing it and you mentioned this earlier, is because I'm assuming you have kids, right?

[00:19:36] Yes. And your kids, I don't know how old they are today, but they probably know how to swim now.

[00:19:41] Well, they they knew back then as well.

[00:19:45] Yeah. But let's say you have kids, you're solving this problem, and then you move back to Israel, you get a grant, you have a team of closely held colleagues that work on this together. So let's talk about some of the key features and how this thing works that you've mentioned before. You you had built a prototype that basically says, hey, there's a camera, there's a hose, it goes in the water, it's solar. It's you know, I guess basically it's idiot proof. Like parents, parents are going to install apps and do all this crazy stuff. So tell me just generally how it works. You take this thing out of the box.

[00:20:26] You put it in the pool. Like, tell me how it works in general.

[00:20:30] Okay. So as I mentioned, that the idea was that it has to be very simple. Plug and play system mean. You can see behind me that the the box. This is what it is. It's a big. This is what you get when you order this in on our Web site. Right. So you get involved with the device. You simply open it like like a printer. Print is a good example that they could think of. It has three major or three components. One is the what's called the pool unit that you install with two screws. There is a mounting base. You screw it with two screws to the edge of the pool and the pool unit, which is the the core of the system.

[00:21:13] This is main. Basically, the system itself is simply mounted on a docking base in the corner of the pool. Or if it's if it's the kidney shaped pool or curved, you can also a solid there. It hasn't a hundred and twenty degree field of view camera. So it can see the entire pool, even if it's not the name. Even if a curved. So this is this is the pool unit.

[00:21:38] Then you have a lake and in home and plug in unit that you simply plug into the power outage in your home. This is they repeat of basically all the indications that you get in in the pool, you in it, inside it, in case you are at home and you don't hear the alarm from the outside. You can constantly see what's going on. There are many indications point you if the pool is in. If someone, God forbid, is that a risk drowning. If their water is getting cloudy, you will get the indication about that. If the battery is getting low and obviously any alert and alarm would sound, I'd say no. And lastly, I mean, you can not get around not having it. And that's the reason up. This comes with the system. You download the app from the App Store or Google Play. Each system has a unique QR code that identifies this by the app. You scan the QR code and then you are connected to your own device and you can see images from the pool. And whenever there is an alert or alarm, then you you get notified in the pool. And in their home and notification you get push notification through your phone. And you can open and say that the image that triggered the event.

[00:22:54] Oh, wow. That's fascinating.

[00:22:57] Yes, it has. It has two two types of alerts, expensive, what we call entry alerts, the moment that they detect someone getting into the pool for the first time. And I emphasize that only the first time and I explain what first time is. You get a short alarm just to let you know, hey, someone is in the pool. It's not something annoying like an alarm going off that you have to run and turn it off. But if something loud enough that you can not ignore. So, you know, this unknown is in the pool because you may be a parent. Sitting in your living room and you don't know that the kids are now got into the pool, you already have two two. You have to be aware of that and become more to go and watch. And this by itself can prevent drowning. The fact that, you know, that someone got into the pool because you may not necessarily know, but if they are there at the entrance was a legitimate one, then OK, you just get an alarm and you go on.

[00:23:55] And the second a type of a large is the drowning alert. And this is this is what made what is making this coral system so unique, because the software that we developed, which is a computer vision based on deep learning technology, it was trained using millions of images, underwater images to detect people.

[00:24:23] And when when they.

[00:24:26] Whenever they detect that person, they have a sense for the first time, first time. By the way, means after the food was completely empty for five minutes. And the idea is that if kids are in and out all the time. I mean that if they're getting into the pool, then they getting from one end running to the other and jumping.

[00:24:43] You don't want to get to this element of the size of the pool was completely empty for five minutes. This is when you will get their lunch. The entries are live again. So does the system track knows how to detect using using the camera. It's constantly getting images like a video from the underwater. It knows in each image of the video to tell if there is a person there or not. And if there is a person it traces, start tracking. So. So in the next image, a person moves the base. It will track it. It's great that a track for this person whenever the easy takes from the person stopped moving. But not just spending. It knows also where the position of the head is so that if you stop moving and the head is way below, that was the surface of the water. This is when the alarm goes off.

[00:25:33] That's an escalating alarm business that goes it becomes louder and louder and doesn't stop until either the person moves or you shut it off.

[00:25:44] That is so interesting. So and I think you said at the beginning of the show, but maybe you could just reiterate this doesn't this doesn't hook up to your Internet, right? This is a self-contained unit or you hook it up to Wi-Fi.

[00:25:59] Great question. And given that this is a life saving device, they did poorly on itself and their home units, he says, are totally independent of any semino or any communication into any type of communication because we don't want to rely. I mean, there are many applications, regardless of full safety. This computer invasion type of publication, Greb images send sending via the Internet to some cloud and the processing is done is done in the cloud. And then the results sent back to the device. But the one you're talking about, a life saving device, you cannot afford to rely on Internet connection. Yes. You know, a satellite network might have its own its own downsides and failures. And when we talk about running it in the reaction, time is critical. So all the processing and the alerts are done locally in the system itself and transmitted to the home units via our communications point-to-point. That is not totally irrelevant or independent of any Internet connection. In addition to that, the full unit itself communicates to that today, a phone via Internet connection. And this is like a nice to have feature that you can take on your own. And it's not only nice to have, but it's in a dish. It's another layer of ofay alerting. But it's not the essence of the system. It's not the safety system is at work.

[00:27:39] Biceps, regardless of any communication. Yeah.

[00:27:42] If there is no communication, you would still get the alarm in your pool and in your home. And in the vast majority of cases, I would say that in 99 percent, it's not that you are somewhere in vacation in Hawaii and someone is drowning in your pool and no one is at home in 99 percent of the cases, people are does are at home. So it's not that you rely on the Internet connection to know that someone is in your pool or both for risk of at risk of drowning.

[00:28:10] Yeah, and I think just to make sure that I understand you said R.F., which is radio frequency. Right. Right. No different than, you know, some TV remotes have radio. Absolutely right. They don't rely on that. You're Internet goes down, your TV remote still works.

[00:28:27] So it's more like radio. Yeah, I mean, I it's TV remote. I think it has to have a direct line of sight, infrared transmission, all records like radio. I mean, if it goes through walls and doesn't have to go in a straight line, you don't have to have like a line like it simply spreads in the in there or so.

[00:28:49] But that's that that's super smart because if someone gets in the pool and something happens, the alarm will still go off. Right. I mean, if this alarm I've heard this alarm on YouTube. It is loud, like it is getting loud, super loud. So anyone around will be able to hear this. And then I think this so it sends these images because I know there's an A.I. component. It sends these any of the software or anything that happens on the device, in the pool, it's sent via RF to the home unit in the home unit can make updates whenever it wants. Right. But the pool unit is never, ever impacted from a safety standpoint. It's basically always on. Right.

[00:29:32] It is always on. And let me just just correct one thing. It's not the images are not sent to the home. You know, the home images. It's just a repeat of that. You can see indication of the status of the port. There are different lights and go on and off. And Blinco was whatever to tell you. If it's flashing Granny Green, you know, the system is OK. If it's flashing fast enough that someone is in the pool, if the battery indication is red, you know, the batteries, those things like that. And it sounds that the alarm images are only going to happen. That's when you are at home in your living room or your bedroom and the alarm goes off. It's not we don't want you to run to grab your phone to look what's going on. We want you to run out to the pool and look straight at what's going on. Yeah. So the idea is that we don't want to have people play with their phones if they're not. Go, go, go and check what's going on.

[00:30:27] It's it's serious if the alarms going off. Every second counts. So every second counts.

[00:30:33] You know what? You know what's interesting about this? I just had a funny thought. I hear about I don't have a swimming pool, but I send my kids to a lot of homes that do. And I mean, so two points I can tell you for sure. I worry about that stuff because I have a 10 and an eight year old, and you never know. I mean, obviously, you know, the families in you know, they're paying attention, but you just never know with an eight year old or a 10 year old, they might go out there and hit her head. They might do something stupid, like try to jump on a boogie board off the side of the rail and they hit their head and they fall in the water. Then maybe the other kid doesn't want to say anything because they're afraid, because they know they're not supposed to be doing it right.

[00:31:14] But absolutely, if I knew that this existed at the pools that I sent my kids to, I'd probably feel a little bit better about it. But here's the here's the funny thought that I just had. I do talk to a lot of people and sometimes they have animals in their pool that come to their pool at night. Have you been like raccoons and just weird stuff? Have you have any your customer said, hey, can you show me that weird animal in the pool that I know has been going in my pool at night? Is that it? Would you get funny stuff like that?

[00:31:49] Actually, we do every once in a while. I mean, I come back to to what you mentioned, Neddie, about what parents know or should know and don't know about drowning in general, but laboratories that address it. The funny question about different animals that day.

[00:32:08] What's different about coral is that it was trained to detect people and only people face once their land would not go off by any other object like that.

[00:32:19] They pulled vacuum or any slow seas or anything like that. You know how to detect people. But apparently when when animals are in it, getting into the pool, that's kind of the underwater. When you don't see that dead, I mean, they had two hands and two legs and a body, and especially when it went farther from the camera. And so the camera system says a feature of a human body and there are none that does go up. We do have some cases where the alarm went off because of the dog and it's actually save save the dog's life and off of other animals. I don't know if it's worth Rom's or things like that.

[00:33:07] I don't think that that got into the pool.

[00:33:10] But in general, it's supposed to be at some point and we've been asked many times, can you detect an alligator going into my pool?

[00:33:18] Oh, my God. No problem.

[00:33:20] In in Florida. At some point, I guess we will train it also to detect the difference. Alligator, I guess, would not be detected today because of the the way the body is so different than than than a human body. But we can easily train that as well.

[00:33:40] Yeah, cause that's scary.

[00:33:41] Let me get let let me get back to what people should know and probably don't know. Drumming. Drumming is the leading cause of death of children ages one to four. People don't realize that there are half a billion cars in the U.S. and only 10 million swimming pools in the U.S.. And more kids ages one to four day in school than in cars. Twenty five times more cars than swimming pools and more children ages one to four day swimming.

[00:34:12] That is shocking. It is. This is the leading cause of death of children ages one to four. I'm not talking about illness, I'm talking about what's called involuntary death. So people don't realize. How quickly and quietly drowning happens? It's a matter of seconds.

[00:34:34] People have this image in their head that kids are waving their hands and screaming for help. Hey, when you're hot, when you have your mouth is half full with water, you don't scream anything and you don't raise your hand because the moment you raise your hand, you just think faster. Right. And younger toddlers don't even have the instinct to wave their hand to to to stay afloat. They don't know that this is what I mean. I'm not talking about kids who learn to swim. At the very young age, they don't have that instinct. They simply if they don't fall into the pool, they go straight to the to the bottom in seconds. In most cases now, when it comes to safety and this is true not only to to pull sexy, but sexy in general is always about layers, layers upon layers upon layers. Why? Because there isn't any single system in the world that can prevent whatever you're trying to prevent. With one system, one method. I mean, I can give you an example of of protecting an air travel aircraft. Right? I mean, they're basically they're stuck with intelligence that. We are not even aware. And then in many in many airports, when you just drive in, you get like a checkpoint that they just look at you and tell you this is another plane. And then you go into the terminal and you have endless of of and measures and uncover agents that you are not even aware of. But they are watching you a distance, are watching you and monitoring you to make sure that you are not trying to to do anything bad. And then you go through a metal detector and then they search your your personal belongings bag. Right. And when you go and then when you go on the airplane, you typically have an air marshal that you are not even aware of. Now, many flights. So this may end up on there. Up until now, until you get to the very inner land, which is the area that the airplane is safe. Right. And this is exactly true. If you think of guards exactly the same U.S. regulations, you have laws and then you have traffic lights and you have traffic signs and you have intersections that are designed in a certain way. But then you get into the car and you have your cars full with with the safety devices that you're you don't even think of that. You have airbags and you have a death and you have car seats and you have the number. Now, all this self-driving expenses that drive in assisting systems, this alerts when you break the fence, when you cross the line, mean your phone with a safety devices.

[00:37:17] And it's so natural to us when we go into a car, we don't even think of it. But when it comes to boom. Almost nothing. All you have is very poor regulation that is not even on the federal level. It's often in the best case. It's probably on the state level. And the most you have is physical barriers that prevent access to the pool like fences and pull covers and pool alarms. That's it. And this is technology that, I don't know, fence is probably technology from the different millennium or two millennium ago. Yeah. And I mean, fences work in ancient Rome three thousand years ago.

[00:37:59] Yeah. It's not something. This is the pool alarms are something that is as I mentioned, it's a floating mechanism. Technology from from the the mid. 20TH century, that is, I think, a mechanism that is activated when I wonder what it is moving. But that's if you have nothing in the in there, maybe send in the bullet. Since nothing is working in that, why people are in the booth and this is Quarrell is the only system that does it.

[00:38:31] So that is working also you when you are in the car, in the pool.

[00:38:36] That's shocking to me. Now that you've kind of described how big that problem is, it really is shocking to me that there isn't more layers or safety or regulation or I mean, to your point, there's probably some building codes with pools that say, hey, you have to build it a certain way.

[00:38:56] And oh, by the way, like, we have to put these little holes around it just in case you want to put a fence there.

[00:39:03] But no one's there's no there's no there's no pool inspector coming to your house once every six months and making sure that your pool is up to code so you don't hurt your kids or someone else's kids. Right. Even though. Are you. I think you said it's the number one cause of death. Betteridge accounted for one in four year olds, which makes perfect sense. What is how many deaths happens in swimming pools. Is it millions or is it hundreds of thousands.

[00:39:37] The worldwide, why you're talking about hundreds of thousands in the US. And again, it's there, the statistics and it's kind of tricky. But in the U.S., about 7000 people drown in swimming pools every year and this number is growing among them. In about seven to eight hundredth, our though the of getting me wrong.

[00:40:02] Girls who are not fatal. We suffered some serious and those the seven thousand are girls that made it to hospital. It means it was serious. We're not even talking about those who were pulled out of the water within the first minute or two and the gain and everything.

[00:40:23] And they're not even taken, did not exist and are not repulsive. They are not part of the statistic. And so there are 50000 and something. It will probably suffer some serious neurological damage for the rest of their lives.

[00:40:42] Yeah, because we're holding on the air to their brain. Right.

[00:40:46] I mean, they don't get enough oxygen and up in five minutes. This is good. Many people ask us. We at the coral system alerts often 15 seconds of motion, around 15 seconds of motion with the person. And many people ask, isn't that too late? And by the time they go to the bottom of the pool, they are dead. And the truth is that they are not there. They are unconscious. They they they took in the water and the sink. In most cases, they think that the bottom of the pool. And this is when the clock starts ticking. This is when you have about five minutes to save their life. No, five minutes is a blink of an eye if you are not aware of it.

[00:41:31] I mean, if you are at home and someone or you are even, I don't know, in the yards and talking to a friend and you didn't pay attention and effort because so quickly and the. And then five minutes goes by like that. But if you get an alert after 15 seconds and it taking another 15 seconds to get to the pool and that's 60 seconds to pull the person out and then call nine one one and start CPR or even not start to start something. You have very high chances to save that person's life that she's a kid black.

[00:42:07] Medical research show that more than 90 percent of people who pulled out within up to five minutes going back to total normal life. Wow. After five minutes, it's in God's hands.

[00:42:23] Yeah, I understand. And typically, the odds are not for you. Yeah.

[00:42:28] One thing I might not tell you, the name of the product we named the product is called chloral. About two months in two thousand fourteen. We started the development, Iran. I think April of 2014, about two months. Into our development. That was a very shocking incident in Israel, where two girls ages to an age 12. Both of them drowned in a backyard pool. Both of them drowned to death. The grandmother was in the house a few yards away, was not aware of it. Both of them, their name were to Colorado and and or or in Hebrew means life and the world. The message or also appeared that the name choros seat all are. So this is why we decided to name that the system after then after these two girls and they were 12. They knew how to swim. They they did not meet their pension. Often adult watching them and think both of them drown to death. Wow. So it is very important. People don't don't really realize that it can happen to everybody. And it's true that most drownings occur to children, but 45 percent of drownings are not children. But even with children, I mean, you cannot watch, we're not the machine. We cannot. I challenge every I mean, I hear many times people say, well, why don't fair and just be responsible and watch their kids and people don't realize it not. It has nothing to do with being responsible. Obviously, you don't want to be irresponsible or reckless and throw your kids into the pool and go and say, can that. But even responsible people can. It can happen to responsible people. You talk to people lost their kids. They will say you we weren't there.

[00:44:24] I mean, statistics show that 84 percent of all drowning incidents, the child was around and seen by an adult less than five minutes before it happened.

[00:44:36] Yeah, yeah.

[00:44:37] Well, nine percent. One of the parents was around when it happened.

[00:44:42] Yeah. And if any of you listeners out there have an eight year old and a 10 year old, you know, it is impossible.

[00:44:49] It is impossible to stand over the top of them every second of their day and walk Walker just literally hover over them every second of the day. It's not possible. It's just not impossible.

[00:45:00] It is impossible. People would say that's probably never what's there. I challenge. I mean, many times I challenge people to say that, you know, next time you are in the pool with four kids in the pool, I challenge you.

[00:45:12] Watch the four kids for five hours and you are not allowed to lose sight of any of them, for Pete's sake. That's impossible.

[00:45:21] It's do you have an infant now crying and you need to change diaper. I mean, you can not watch. We're not machines. You cannot watch four kids and not lose sight for a mere ten seconds.

[00:45:36] Yeah, I know it's not possible. I want to ask you a question on your Web site. You've got to it looks like a YouTube video from Bodie Miller. Yes. So Bodie Miller obviously is a world renowned athlete, skier. How did you how did you meet Bodie Miller? Apparently he's a customer of yours Desura. Is there some kind of story around Bodie Miller? You guys know each other from a prior life, or is he just a regular client of yours?

[00:46:06] Was. And as you know, or as many people know, Buddy Buddy and his wife lost their child in a drumming accident like two years ago and.

[00:46:18] She was 18 months old. And since then, Baudin and Morgan, his wife, decided to to and promote drowning prevention.

[00:46:31] Somehow our partners crossed and he became an advocate of the coral system because he realized that the and such a system could have potentially saved his daughter's life and can potentially save lives. And many children's lives. This is why he became an advocate of the children. We passed this report for some time and they actually promoted the product because they believe that it's a lifesaving system. It's a new technology that doesn't exist anywhere. It didn't not exist until today and can save lives.

[00:47:12] Yeah, well, that's an act.

[00:47:14] Now, I must mention in say that it's all about. You mentioned it sold about layer's. The core out of system is not designed to replace anything and obviously not adult supervision, not any device or system required by law like fences. I mean, it's all about lives like in the car. You know, that you once you you know, you have love.

[00:47:40] You don't need the safety devices in your car and vice versa. Right. I mean, if everybody drove by, they lost. Right. Then you wouldn't need anything in your car. Right. Everybody is driving in the right. Speeding a limited stuff weighs where they need to self make their right there and done done fast when they're not supposed to. If everybody was perfect at perfect dragging by law, we would not need any safety device in our car. But Ravasi is not like that. Things do happen. Where are humans, whether they do it intentionally or intentionally. You cannot be there all the time. And this is why we need names of safety and is just not just if it's a new layer of safety. But what makes it unique that it's the only one that works in the most in their land, which is the pool itself, just as a preventive measure outside the pool?

[00:48:37] Well, this has been this has been fascinating. One of the last questions I have for you, because clearly you've done a lot in your life, both personally and professionally, to help families also, you know, awesome software programmer. You've done a lot of stuff. So what business advice would you offer to your fellow executives or entrepreneurs listening today? I mean, we can talk about the entrepreneurs journey, the founders journey. I know when we were talking earlier, you talked about how you like to just help people. And this is another way that you've helped people and help children specifically. But what kind of advice would would you give our listeners today as we wrap this up?

[00:49:20] Wow, that's hard. And. I think for and trepanning at the beginning of of the their way, they have to know. I mean, they have to be very passionate about what they doing. Very efficient, because typically it's a longer journey. You'll have many ups and downs. I mean, you have to be able to be very resilient to know that you have a very you have one bad day and you have many of them.

[00:49:50] And tomorrow is a new day. And you have to wake up and look forward, stay focused and say and now has to go to go beyond it. You have to be very creative in terms of how to because initially, as every startup, every trip I know will probably face a situation of very limited resources, very limited. But you have to be very, very focused.

[00:50:18] I mean, where we have many, many ideas of where we can take the product more, but we decided where things focus because a startup is a small company, you fert you have you cannot spread your resources across too many employees. And you have to be very creative with the solution. You have to think of ways first of being very lean, right. Because you don't have too much to do, waste and spend and waste. And you have to be very creative. How do you you maneuver and find the optimal way in on one way to get to the end result. But not to lose too much on on the way.

[00:50:59] No, no, that's that's great advice. And, you know, not all companies, you know, every company that you've ever seen, even Google or Facebook or Amazon, they were all startups at some point, of course, and not too far and not too far along.

[00:51:15] I mean, if you think of these companies, like 20 years ago, they didn't even exist.

[00:51:20] Yeah. And, you know, like Bezos, he was focused. He was laser focused on books, books now. And now look at what Amazon does. And I can see this product and especially with you and your team and in your abilities. I think there's a lot more to this than just the swimming pool. It seems to me like there's a whole array of systems around the house that would be able to support safety. It seems like that's what safety that you always have on, because as humans, we can't always see what's going to happen. But robots and computers can. Right.

[00:51:59] Well, I know this has been great. Everyone, Eyal Golan is the CEO and co-founder of CORAL Drowning Detection Systems, a tool designed to detect and prevent drownings and privately owned pools. Thank you so much for your time.

[00:52:14] All I really knew, I really enjoyed being with me in the show. All right. Take care now. You too. Bye bye.



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